ESL Resources
BrainPop ESl is a websited catered to the language needs of ESL students. It uses animated movies, study tools, and games to teach ESL students vocabulary,reading, listening, writing, speaking, and grammar.
Lesson Planet is a website that offers both paid and free teacher reviewed instuctional material and resources. Some of the resources that it offers includes worksheets, presentations, complete lesson plans, educational videos and educational articles.
ESL Kids World offers printable ESl worksheet, games, interactive ESL video games, flashcards, interactive grammar games, ESL friendly songs, and Powerpoints. The worksheets include coloring pages, crossword puzzles and wordsearch puzzles.
Activities for ESL/EFL Students, offers free online activities such as grammar quizzes, vocabulary quizzes, crossword puzzles, bilingual quizzes in 48 differemt languages, and pronunciation videos that help students learn English as a second language.
Dave's ESL Cafe is a site that connects both teachers and ESL students from around the world. This website offers lesson plans, discussion forums, professional development for ESL teachers, quiz center for students, and a graffiti wall where teachers can comment on a variety of ESL topics.
ESL Kids is a website that provides resources for teaching English as a secong language. Some of these resources include flashcards, downloadable songs, downloadable classroom readers, worksheets, craft sheets, games and complete lesson plans.
PBS KIDS provides students with a variety of interactive activities such as games. There are over 21 games topics which include math, science, social studies, reading, vocabulary, spelling, rhyme, teamwork and many more.
Starfall emphasizes in teaching basic reading and writing skills to students. The website is for students ranging from preschool to second grade. This site uses games and phonics to teach students how to read. It also incorporates first and second grade math skills.

ABCYA provides free educational games and activities for elementary students. The site divides its content by grade level. Within the grade levels the content is divided into letters (language arts),numbers, holidays, skills, and strategy.
Smart Exchange is a website that offers educators interactive SMARTboard activities, PDFs, images, videos, widgets and many other file types. The site includes lessons for K-12 grade. It includes a variety of subjects that range from math to art and design.
Raz-Kids offers K-5 reading instructon. It incorporates eBooks and eQuizzes. Students are able to read, listen to books, record themselves reading, and take reading comprehension quiz. Teachers can oversee individual and whole class reading growth.
Literacy Center is a website for Kindergarten students for practicing skills such as letters, writing, colors, shapes, words, and numbers. Its content is available in Spanish, French, English, and German. This site helps learners to build a good foundation before they learn essential literacy skills.